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fat freezing double chin

Target that stubborn double chin fat and get a more defined profile, non-invasive Fat Freezing treatments. We can see you the same day, your treatment can be carried out on the day of your consultation, with results visible from the first treatment.

fat freezing treatment london

Chin Fat Freezing Double Chin

Double chin is a very stubborn area, that usually comes down to genetics. Fat freezing is the perfect choice for non-surgical double chin reduction.Freezing the fat cells under the chin this will also improve skin laxity and reshape the jawline. Improving skin laxity, we would recommend our a course of Radio Frequency treatments. If you are looking to achieve a more defined jawline, we would use Fat freezing in combination with Radio Frequency. Our Fat freezing equipment are the highest quality machines, approved to improve remove excess fat under the chin area, clients that have had this treatment reported a more defined jawline.Fat Freezing


What is Fat Freezing on the Chin?

Fat freezing on the chin, also known as submental cryolipolysis, is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that uses controlled cooling technology to target and reduce fat cells in the chin and neck area. The procedure is designed to help reduce the appearance of a double chin and improve the overall contour of the jawline.


Fat freezing Procedure

During the procedure, a small applicator is placed under the chin and the skin and underlying fat are cooled to a temperature between -8 to -11 degree Celsius. The cooling process causes the fat cells to crystallize, or freeze, and die. The dead fat cells are then naturally eliminated by the body's lymphatic system over the following weeks and months. The procedure typically takes about 35-45 minutes per treatment and it is performed on an outpatient basis. Most patients report minimal discomfort during the procedure and are able to return to their normal daily activities immediately after the treatment.


Effectiveness and Risks of fat freezing on the chin

It is important to note that while cryolipolysis is considered a safe and effective method for reducing submental fat, results may vary and multiple sessions may be needed to achieve the desired outcome. The final results can be seen after 2-3 months post-treatment. It is also important to consult with a qualified medical professional to determine if this treatment is appropriate for you and to discuss any potential risks or side effects. Some potential side effects may include temporary redness, swelling, tenderness, or numbness in the treatment area, but it's usually mild and resolve on their own within a few days. The procedure is not intended for weight loss or as an alternative to liposuction. It is a cosmetic treatment intended for people who have a small amount of extra fat in the chin area and are looking for a non-invasive way to improve their appearance.


Is fat freezing suitable for everyone?

It's also important to have realistic expectations from the treatment, as this is not a weight loss solution, it's a cosmetic treatment for people who have a small amount of extra fat in the chin area, and it's not going to replace a healthy diet and exercise. It's not recommended for patients who have recently lost a significant amount of weight or have a lot of loose skin on the neck area as it may not be suitable for them.



In a typical treatment a patient would be lying down for a set period of time normally about 1 hour, while custion heads from the 3d lipo machine put in place on the skin and crystallise fat cells.


What are the alternatives to chin fat freezing ?

Other alternatives to fat freezing on the chin include liposuction, which is a surgical procedure that uses a cannula to remove fat cells through a small incision. Another alternative is Kybella, which is an injectable treatment that destroys fat cells using a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid. Both of these procedures can be more invasive and require more recovery time than fat freezing, and also require consultation with a medical professional to determine if it's appropriate for the patient.


Does fat freezing help you lose fat?

The answer to this question is definatley a yes, You should still control your weight and maintain a healthy diet with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet.



The results are noticeable they have been scientifically proven, and they are long-lasting. A session to freeze belly fat lasts for about 60 minutes, and a patient can have as many sessions as they want until they attain their desired body shape. The Freeze Fat treatment is conducted by a professional who has undergone specialized training in the ‘freeze your fat away’ procedure. The physician will take the time to discuss a holistic approach to your ambitions of reshaping your body. The physician will help the patient to determine the specific areas where they want to eliminate fat. Freeze Fat targets only specific areas of the body so that you freeze fat cells only from the areas that you choose.


 In summary, Fat freezing on the chin is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that uses controlled cooling technology to target and reduce fat cells in the chin and neck area. It's a cosmetic treatment intended for people who have a small amount of extra fat in the chin area and are looking for a non-invasive way to improve their appearance. It's important to have realistic expectations, consult with a qualified medical professional and to understand the potential risks and side effects before undergoing the treatment.






3D Lipo London is delighted to announce that 3D-lipo, the revolutionary treatment that successfully targets fat by method of fat freezing – cryolipolysis and also cavitation, skin tightening by HIFU and also Radio Frequency, is now available. 3D-lipo is an amazing alternative to liposuction offering a powerful new dimension in non-surgical fat removal, the treatment of cellulite and skin tightening for both the face and body. The treatment is pain free with instant results and no down time – a HUGE hit with celebrities who choose the non- surgical 3D- lipo rather than go under the knife.

Please see below for our latest blog post : 

Best Facial in London  

Technology we offer

3D Lipo  Technology


Marylebone Clinic
82 York Street
London W1H 1QP
Tel: 07763 566 574

Opening Hours

Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–6:00PM

Saturday – 9:00AM–6:00PM


About Us  


Welcome To 3D Lipo London Where We Specialize In Fat Loss, Body Contouring In A Non-Invasive Way With Treatments Such As Fat Freezing – Cryolipolysis Achieving Great Result We Have Been Around A While Now, We Also Cover Other Area’s Like Fighting Cellulite And Stretch Marks In General And Also Post Pregnancy We Offer A Range Of Different Treatments To Combat These.


 Our Technology


Here At 3D Lipo London We Use Ultimate 3D Lipo Technology The Next Generation Multi-Technology Platform Containing The Latest Combination Of Advanced Technologies Designed To Offer A Complete And Prescriptive Approach To Non-Surgical Face And Body Treatments

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