A powerful new revolution in body shaping and muscle toning incredable, Just one 30-minute treatment is equivalent to 20,000 crunches, squats, curls or leg extensions.
Using High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic technology to engage the muscle, the electromagnetic field polarises and depolarises, creating motor neurone pulses in 100% of the muscle fibre, significantly more than what would be possible in conventional exercise. The High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic technology repeatedly contracts the muscles throughout the treatment, forcing the muscle tissue to adapt, resulting in muscle building and fat burning. This is not to be confused with older technology like direct current muscle stimulation.
3D Powersculpt provides electro-magnetic fields to a muscle to trigger the biological effect of exercise in a non-invasive, painless manner. Electro-magnetic fields are used to contract and stimulate muscle energy production. This engages the mitochondria, encouraging the muscle to adapt to this increase in energy. The intense muscle contractions stimulate muscle hypertrophy, creating new protein strands and muscle fibres, resulting in increased muscle density and volume.
£149 - Per treatment area
Pre-Treatment Advice
- Do not exercise the muscle you want to treat 48hrs before treatment
- Let youtherapist know if you have any metal implants as that area will need to be avoided.
-There is no downtime with PowerSculpt you may feel achy a little after the treatment
- Drink 2 litres of water per day
- Do not exercise the treated muscles for 48 hours
- Burn Fat
- Tone Muscle
-Build Muscle
- Shape
- Sculpt
- Lift and tighten
- Precision application
- Safe and virtually painless
- Affordable
- Unprecededted Rresults
The Science
3D Powersculpt provides electro-magnetic fields to a muscle to trigger the biological effect of exercise in a non-invasive, painless manner. Electro-magnetic fields are used to contract and stimulate muscle energy production. This engages the mitochondria, encouraging the muscle to adapt to this increase in energy. The intense muscle contractions stimulate muscle hypertrophy, creating new protein strands and muscle fibres, resulting in increased muscle density and volume. Myokines are signalling molecules, released by muscle fibres during contractions that reinforce the effects of the mitochondria and muscle adaptation, aiding with fat and calorie burning, metabolic rate improvement and reducing overall body inflammation. The overall result following a course of 3D Powersculpt treatments is an increase in muscle volume and density and reduced fat percentage in the target area due to an improved metabolic rate.
Yes Emsculpt treatments are completely safe.
What will i experience during a PowerSculpt treatment ?
This technology gives High Tension Muscle Contractions of the muscles throughout the treatment, exceeding the highest amount of tension your muscles can exert and hold under normal condition (Maximal Voluntary Contractions). • The muscle tissue adapts, resulting in muscle building and fat burning.
Emsculpt can be used anywhere on the arms, upper abdomen, lower abdomen, buttocks, inner thighs, outer thighs, calves .
A course of 8 sessions recommended. 2-3 treatments per week. 48 hours should be left between treatments for muscle repair.
The time varies depending on the area being treated but typically range from 20 minutes up to 30 mins per application.
Emsculpt Results can be seen from the first session and improve throughout the course of treatments.
please note we use Emsculpt like technology images are not of the actiual technology used.
Emsculpt Near Me , we are located in Marylebone London
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About Us
Welcome To 3D Lipo London Where We Specialize In Laser Hair Removal, In A Non-Invasive Way Achieving Great Result We Have Been Around A While Now, We Offer A Range Of Different Treatments such as LASER HAIR REMOVAL - HYDRO2 FACIAL - POWER SCULPT - VASCULASE
Our Technology
Here At our London clinic We Use Ultimate 3DLipo Aesthetic Technology The Next Generation Multi-Technology Platform Containing The Latest Combination Of Advanced Technologies Designed To Offer A Complete And Prescriptive Approach To Non-Surgical Treatments.